
The Human Remains Project has a limited number of residencies for individuals, from anywhere in the world, interested in working closely with the project team on specific case studies or small-scale research which would lead to real-world change in burial management, conservation, education, or public engagement etc.

Library residencies are for those wishing to make a specific and substantial contributions to the library; increase public impact and dissemination of the project and library; and/or maximise the training and development of team members. The project is also open to suggestions from interested individuals with other ideas for a residency, so please do get in touch:

Library residencies will cover either:

  1. Travel Residency: up to 1 week travel, accommodation, and subsistence to work with the team and the digital library in person at the University of Liverpool. Remote meetings are also available.
  2. Remote Work Residency: short-term (usually less than 3 months) part-time remote work on a defined research activity for the library and public engagement or to address a real-world issue. This option is currently only available to those living and working in the UK, in-line with UKRI policy.

Please note, if you would like to work with the project but cannot or would prefer not to apply for either version of the residency scheme, we would still love to hear from you, so please contact us to discuss your needs and ideas at

Residencies are very flexible and developed in conversation with the project team, but might be used by:

  1. researchers wishing to use and contribute significantly to the library leading to public engagement activities or real-world impact on how we manage historic burials today
  2. a member of a local interest group, such as churches, cathedrals, Christian-era burial grounds, historic buildings, or ruins with known burials from the period in question (etc.)
  3. individuals from charities, historic bodies, societies, or conservation groups
  4. individuals with specific technical abilities able to advise the team regarding the digital aspects of the project and library
  5. sites or groups interested in collaborating with the project for an exhibition, whether in-person, virtual, or a combination of both
  6. those wishing to explore possible collaboration or spin-off projects involving the library

Residency activities might include, but are not limited to:

  1. working through specific archival material with the research team
  2. preparing physical and/or digital exhibition, educational, heritage display material for a church, cathedral, or burial site
  3. digitising material for open access via the project library
  4. a church/cathedral/site or professional liaising directly about a particular case
  5. conducting a desk-based survey of a burial or tomb with the assistance of the research team
  6. liaising with the Church Heritage Record
  7. offer interpretation of findings in the library
  8. identify possible collaboration projects involving the library

If you are interested in proposing a residency idea or would like to discuss your ideas, please contact the project at

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